Container loading and truck loading software. (also called as continer loading calculator) Easy to learn. With live like interactive 3D visualization. Thanks to "see through cargo" you can now explore inside of your loadplan!
Items can be set non-stackable and non-tiltable. Over 10 000 items of 250 types can be set to be loaded. Use up to 50 priority groups and order based on unload destinations. Imperial(US) - inches, pounds and Metric - centimeters, kilograms units option. Description can be printed right on cargo items. Also you can create non-stackable groups for items that should be self stackable only. Or you can separate loaded groups with virtual wall to divide load more strictly. You can chose if you want to insert total weight or per item weight.
You can also create multiple cargo space reports. Look "inside" your load plant to create step by step load plan print reports. Load plans can be saved on server and shared with other team members, customers or vendors.
EasyCargo also supports weight distribution calculation for 2 or 3 axles trailers and trucks with semitrailer. And also import from MS Excel file.
Available online.
How it works, see YouTube video:
EasyCargo calculator is provided as a service for year or month subscription and also on daily bases. Order 10 day package and you can chose a day and plan your loads from 3,5 EUR (4.8 USD)
Full version 10 days for free!

Keywords: loading software, truck loading, container loading, loading calculator, weight distribution, load planning, load optimization, container calculator, multiple container loadplan

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