Get started with Digital Photography!
Photozig Albums Express is the complete solution for managing digital photos on your computer with web connectivity.
Using Albums Express, you can easily copy pictures from your camera, organize them and share with your family and friends ? all in one program!
Let Photozig Albums Express make every picture look perfect with our "Quick Fix" option ? just one click will correct brightness/contrast/levels and much more to produce a great photo. Make a mistake? Albums Express always preserves the original -- you can always undo any changes.
You can rearrange your photos into albums and create slideshows with photos/video/music or even screensavers.
E-mail pictures to your friends and family. You can create photo galleries or blogs on the web for free! If you prefer, you can make a CD and backup all of your photos.
+ Comprehensive personal digital media solution.
+ Easy to use program features ? customized for you!
+ Quickly copy, organize, and share your digital pictures.
+ Powerful, efficient and easy-to-use features with integrated web functions to share online photos in new and fun ways.
+ Speeds up the personal "handling" of your digital content.
+ Allows you more time to enjoy and share special moments with your family and friends.

Keywords: Digital Photo Organizer, Free Slideshow, Photo Sharing, Web Galleries, Blogs

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