Smartcard Emulator Software(Virtual smartcard). It is possible to use usb flash drive as Smartcard. Smartcard API is MS-CAPI(BaseCSP) and CNG(KSP) and PKCS#11. Normaly import PKCS#12 Certificate. You can use S/MIME and VPN and MS-Office digital signature. You may use SiMyuCard instead of usb flash drive. myuToken replace the driver of usb flash drive to PC/SC smartcard driver. This is kernel mode driver and so real emulation. myuToken have have 2 CSP (Crypto Servise Provider). One is BaseCSP (Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider). Another is Original CSP. Two CSP is available at same time. SiMyuCard is Freeware and Smartcard Software Simulator.

Keywords: Smartcard, Emulator, USB flash drive, Virtual Smartcard, PKCS#11, BaseCSP

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