Buy now and get it for only $46! z/Scope Express 5250 offers an unmatched look&feel and the most intuitive and user-friendly interface. Also gives full support of Internet-Standard communication protocols TN5250E, SSL 2/3 and TLS 1.

z/Scope Express 5250 was developed with the highest standards of quality and the result is a solid terminal emulation solution. Your connections will be secured and reliable.

The tools included in z/Scope Express were thought to help users speeding up their daily tasks and making them more pleasant. For example, you can use the hotspots wizard to mouse enable the emulation. You can open multiple emulation sessions simultaneously and switch them quickly and easily through tabs. The screen history will provide one click access to previously visited screen, and many more functions that will help you with your daily work.

z/Scope Express advantages are not only in its features and agility but also in its price. z/Scope licensing deals and pricing structure are the most competitive!. Check our licensing deals and then compare with other solutions. Your company will be saving a very important amount of money if they rely on our solutions, as a large number of worldwide companies have already done.

* Support for extended 5250 protocol.
* Open multiple emulation sessions simultaneously and switch them quickly and easily through tabs.
* Support for SSL 2.0, and 3.0 as well as TLS 1.0 security protocols
* Easy Hotspots creation using a hotspots wizard!
* Screen Styles to suit your preferences.
* Collapsible panel for quick and direct access to connections.
* Screen History for one-click access to previously visited screens.

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Download z/Scope TN5250

Keywords: as/400, iSeries, HTML, secure, terminal emulation, terminal emulator, 5250, 5250 emulation, IBM, TN5250, encryption, mainframe, as400, as 400, zscope

z/Scope TN5250 screenshot

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z/Scope TN5250


Cybele Software Inc.     Other programs by Cybele Software Inc.






$46.00 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista

Release Status:

update (2016-04-12)

Recent Changes:

- Compatible with Windows 10 and all previous Win OS.
- Works with Citrix.

Supported Languages:

English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish

Additional Requirements:

Compatible with Windows 10 and all previous Win OS. Works with Citrix.

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