Remo Repair PowerPoint repairs broken PowerPoint files, pptx pps files that you are unable to open-
? Improper Microsoft PowerPoint installation or malfunctioning.
? Sudden switch off of the PC while the ppt file is in use.
? Or whenever a file is recovered from a file recovery software. Whenever a deleted file is recovered there are chances that it is retrieved in an incomplete form due to sector level fragmentation. Such files don?t work and becomes corrupt.
It is a one click repair tool which repairs the files that refuses to open due to damage. It is read only application which does not interfere with the actual copy of the file which makes it safe to use.
Its major advantages are:
? Compatible to all PPT, PPTX & PPS version.
? Repairs all broken PowerPoint Files with ease.
? After repair it will restore the file will all header and footers.
? The file can be saved to any location to the host OS.
What all it repairs and recovers from corrupt ppt file
It repairs the text, formatting, images, sound effects, animations, OLE Objects, embedded clipart and hyperlinks from a corrupt PowerPoint file.
In order to save the repaired file use the activated version. In activated version provides ?select folder? option to save the file on the location of your choice.
You can download the free version to check the capability of the software then go for the activated version.
Complete the Task in 4 Easy Steps:
? Download and install the trial version
? Open a corrupt Powerpoint file that you want to fix and run the Remo Repair PowerPoint software
? Press the repair button once you have selected the file
? After the repair is done, preview the file to ensure that the data is same
Place yourself in situation where you have an important meeting or a presentation on your research work and your PPT denies to open, what will you do at such times? Just download the Remo Repair PowerPoint and retrieve your PPT back! As simple as this!

Keywords: repair powerpoint, how do I open a corrupt powerpoint file, repair pptx file, fix damaged ppt, ppt repair tool, unable to open pptx
