Easily manage your check list of tasks, reminders, and recurring tasks. Very efficient, clean, and easy to use.
* Edit multiple tasks at once
* Add multiple tasks at once
* Cut/copy/paste tasks
* Easily reorder tasks using drag and drop
* The program can be set always on top
* Track due dates and priorities
* Create reminder for any of your tasks
* Reminders can be snoozed
* Recurring tasks, many recurring patterns supported
* Color tasks by priority and other properties
* The program can be carried on a USB thumb-drive with you
* Easy but powerful printing and exporting capabilities
* Import CSV/TXT/TSV files
* System-wide hotkeys for showing the program, or adding a new task
* Rich customization options
* Create custom priorities and task types
* Archive old tasks, recover deleted tasks
Checklist Software is the perfect solution for simple checklist management. It will meet all your to-do management needs.
Checklist Software comes in 3 editions: Basic, Notes, and Ultra.
The Notes edition allows you to also write notes for each of your tasks
The Ultra edition adds time tracking, encryption, task emailing, email reminders and email recurrence notifications, more columns to choose from (like Percent Done, Status, Completion Date, Time Spent, etc), and other features.

Keywords: check list, checklist, checklist software, checklist organizer, checklist manager, checklist app, checklist program, check list organizer, check list manager, check list program, check list app, organizer, todo app, check list management

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