Use it to manage phone numbers and addresses, or as a small database for references, notes, or recipes, complete with rich-text format support (can hold pictures and other objects). Its data files are compressed, encrypted, and password-protected. You can import Microsoft Cardfile .crd files (text only) and delimited text files and export ASCII and delimited text files. The program can autodial phone numbers, autodetect and remember phone numbers, and launch your email program or Web browser directly. It also automatically sorts indexes, can index filter-on-enter, lets you define colors and fonts (complete with customizable background colors for individual cards), and remembers its window size and position and last modification date for each card. Ready for network - open files in exclusive mode. Print preview. Check spelling. Bookmarks. Synchronize with external USB flash drive.

Keywords: AZZ, cardfile, rolodex, PIM, personal manager, address book, phone, notes, organizer, data base, recipes

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