Sniff out wasted space with The Best Duplicate File Finder available. Space Hound 32 eliminates duplicate and unused files that are cluttering up your hard drive and causing problems. Make your operations faster because your system doesn't have to look through thousands of unnecessary files to find the ones you need. Now, much more than a duplicate File finder... Space Hound 32 is an education about the files on your computer. Uncludes File & Directory Management, Zip & Unzip, file Viewers, Hex viewer, icon Viewer, more.
The overall mission of the program is to "sniff out" wasted space on your hard disk that is duplicated, obsolete, or simply forgotten.
Space Hound performs it's job by building specialized file lists which can be examined by the user.
Several primary displays guide you in identifying files which are duplicated, obsolete, and even help find files which may have been forgotten. Space Hound 32 provides the tools to assist you in determining which files fall into these categories.
In addition to helping you "sniff out" wasted and nonproductive disk space, the program provides excellent reporting and exporting capabilities to aid you in managing your data.
Space Hound comes equipped with an array of built-in viewers that support many popular types of documents, graphics, sound files, and archives. It also has a "junk" file removal feature that eliminates several types of files notorious for wasting space. Another strength of the program is its ability to generate lists of files based on your specific criteria -- including file masks, attributes, size, and date. You can even perform complex string searches, use a snapshot utility to compare drive/folder contents, compare files, verify shortcuts, print reports, and retrieve version information.
Nominated for 1999 SIAF Award for BEST UTILITY. Nominated for 1999 PC-Magazine/Ziff-Davis Shareware Award for FILE UTILITY. Nominated for 1998 SIAF Award for BEST UTILITY (Prior version).

Keywords: Duplicate, file, finder, unistall, disk manager, file tools, utility, disk, folders, move, copy, uninstall, remove, delete, view, hex, icons, cleanup, clean, DLL, finder

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