File splitter and joiner is breaker adder software that?s divide big file into multiple small chunks, these small files you can simply shift in limited capacity storage devices like floppy disks, USB flash drives, CD/DVDs, and you can send it via email when you have some email provider set maximum size in attachment. It can correct work with all type formats of MP3, WAV, AVI, MPEG, audio video text images compressed ZIP, RAR, ZAR and executable soft wares and all other type formats. File joiner allows you to join these splits parts re-establish into original file. File cutter joiner can be used to re-join the divided file back into its original and if you want any document is secure then split them and spared many parts and these spared parts can not read any one with any other tools. File breaker and file adder is a useful program that enables you to split a large file into small chunks which are easy to be sent and stored. File breaker adder tool can works on win XP, Vista and Win7 platform and both x32 bits and x64 bit platform. The all parts are gives numbered sequentially. File split join software break divide split cut huge file into several smaller parts of file and combine those chopped parts of file and you get your own original file without data missing in this procedure and in this tool.
Key features:
* It support all formats of audio video document application like ZIP, RAR, MP3, WAV, EXE, AVI, DOC, MPG, TXT etc.
* It works on Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7, both x32 & x64 platforms.
* File breaker and joiner has powerful features and very smart user friendly GUI.
* It is very fast, easy, simple and effortless software.
* Split break cut divide single file into multiple parts and combine join merge add append multiple files into a single file.
* It supports all formats of audio video text images applications and other documents.

Keywords: File, Splitter, Joiner, Software, Cutter, Breaker, Small, Combine, Add, Join, Chunks, Several, Break, Format, Utility, Audio, Mp3, Video, Size, Partition, Files, Arrange, Separate, Cut, Joining Large, Merge, ZIP, RAR, EXE, Divide, Batch, Chunk

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