Task hierarchy and resource scheduling components for Silverlight? 4 / WPF and .NET 4: Gantt Chart, Schedule Chart, Load Chart*; PERT Chart*, Network Diagram*. Main features: Interactive task hierarchy management, resource scheduling, resource load*, and project flow* charts; Task bars and dependency lines with drag and drop support; Copy and paste operations, undo queue; Working time, scales, and zoom level customization; Project baseline visualization, critical path enumeration; Resource leveling algorithm; Support to display multiple assignment lines in a single row; Data binding with high customizability; Increased performance for large sets of data; Rich user experience, customizable appearance, culture awareness; Customizable printing and image exporting; Two-way Microsoft Project® XML compatibility; Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern support (Prism). [* Advanced components are not available with Basic Edition licenses.]

Keywords: Gantt, schedule, PERT, chart, network, diagram, .NET, WPF, Silverlight, project management, project, task, assignment, predecessor, resource, load, high performance

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