ManageEngine Windows Health Monitor tool provides exclusive windows network monitoring, as a desktop tool. It helps an administrator to view the following parameters of a Windows server :
* Operating System Details
* Processor Details
* CPU Utilization information
* Memory Utilization Details
* Storage Details
* Disk Write/Read Details
* Status of MSSql Server and Exchange Server
* Network Rx/Tx
Using the tool, administrator can also set threshold values for CPU, Disk and Memory usage, like warning and critical thresholds. The IT administrator can then effortlessly manage the servers to prevent server crash, or bring back the servers to normal functioning state.
ManageEngine's Windows Health monitor shows exhaustive reports of the Windows servers in a network. Tool presents the Performance parameters details like CPU , Memory, Disk and Network utilization details using elegant graphical charts and reports and also Physical server details like processor type, Disk details and more.
The Windows Health Monitor tool has a Dashboard view to show the top 3 servers based on the Memory utilization, CPU usage, Disk utilization. On clicking the server name in the Dashboard view , one can view the server details.

Keywords: Windows monitoring tools, Windows monitoring software, network monitor, Free windows management software, Free windows server monitoring tool, Free Windows monitoring tool, Free Windows Health Monitor, Free Windows performance monitoring

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