Do you want to convert your EML files to Microsoft Word .DOC format? Then get Birdie EML to DOC Converter, which help you to convert/move EML files to Word document in simple steps. Our convert EML to DOC tool helps users to save their EML file messages to Word file. You can easily take backup of your EML messages to avoid the situation of data loss by converting the EML files into DOC file format. EML to DOC Converter by Birdie Software helps users to convert all the EML files of all the well known e-mail client like; Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, Outlook Express, Entourage, etc to Microsoft Word .DOC file format.EML to DOC tool successfully converts or move EML file details including all the email properties such as, To, Cc, Bcc, From, Sent & Received date, Attachments to Office document (.DOC) file format. Our EML to DOC Converter software easily works as convert outlook express eml file to doc, convert eml file to doc, eml to doc conversion, outlook express to doc, eml to doc converter tool, eml to doc conversion, convert eml to word. During the conversion process of EML to DOC this tool maintains all the formatting of emails & preserving same folder structure. EML to DOC Converter software supports all Windows version like, Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista and Windows 7. Using EML to Word Converter tool user can easily convert batch EML files to DOC format that saves users important time. Try the Trial version of EML 2DOC tool its helps you to convert or save one EML file to DOC. If you are satisfied with the trial version then only get full licensed version of Birdie EML to DOC Converter at just 29 USD to enjoy the multiple & batch EML file to DOC conversion process.

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