WireBooster is a most effective downloading optimization tool designed to work with all major BitTorrent clients. Very resourceful in terms of functionality, it was developed for getting the highest speeds out of your torrent downloads.
WireBooster is support for file sharing clients includes: Ares, Bearshare, Azureus, BearFlix, BitComet, BitTorrent, DC Plus Plus, Emule, Edonkey, FrostWire, Imesh, Kazaa, LimeWire, Morpheus, Shareaza, uTorrent, Warez, WinMx.
While requiring the lowest CPU usage, WireBooster harnesses powerful features able to skyrocket the performance of your file sharing application almost instantly! Once you have installed the software (and launched the p2p client) you can sit back and let it boost some download speed.
Among the numerous advantages of WireBooster is its ease of use and its good looking, well thought-out interface. The program makes any technical skill redundant since its simplicity allows even a newbie to use it properly - it is like point-and-shoot cameras, you just start the program and then totally forget about it.
Crazy Extra Power to Your File Sharing Client!

Keywords: WireBooster, p2p universal accelerator, file sharing booster, p2p universal booster, universal download accelerator, faster downloads, download booster, Limewire accelerator, uTorrent accelerator, BitTorrent accelerator

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