Shareaza Download Thruster is a technologically advanced download-accelerating plugin created to boost the main features of Shareaza file sharing program. What this lite app basically does is to automatically configure the best connection to peers, increase the number of download sources and, of course, enhance the speed of your downloads.
Though very undemanding when it comes to resource consumption, Shareaza Download Thruster comes with a powerful architecture developed for full automatic integration into Shareaza native client without any configuration from the user. Whether beginner or with previous experience in this type of software you can easily improve your searching and use the capabilities of your bandwidth to the maximum with this application.
Shareaza Download Thruster connects to the file sharing client automatically and offers a simple and intuitive interface that includes all the information you need about the download process: from the number of bytes sent and received, to the type of connection and your status.

Keywords: Shareaza Download Thruster, Shareaza accelerator, Shareaza speeder, p2p client accelerator, Shareaza Turbo, download speeder, p2p plug-in, file sharing accelerator, fast Shareaza, file sharing booster

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