Kernel recovery for iPod an iPod data recovery software is an advanced tool that can recover music, video and document files from an inaccessible iPod. For making recovery faster and accurate, iPod data recovery software provides the user with three recovery modes i.e. Standard, advance and raw scan. Standard scan is used in cases where recovery for recently deleted files needs to be performed. Moreover, advance scan is suitable for condition where iPod is not recognized as drive letter while raw scan is used in corruption conditions where iPod is recognized as a drive letter.
iPod data recovery software supports all models of Apple iPod i.e. iPod Mini, Hard drive based, touch screen, video capable iPods, iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, and iPod Touch. With Kernel Recovery for iPod, iPod recovery can be performed in conditions like frozen iPod, iPod restored, iPod sad face icon, iPod exclamation mark and bad iTunes auto, sync.
Free demo version of the iPod data recovery software is available to get an idea about the offered features and functions. Demo version scans the inaccessible iPod and displays the recoverable items but to save them, purchase of full version is required.

Keywords: iPod data recovery software, iPod recovery, iPod music recovery, iPod recovery software, recover from iPods
