Advanced utility change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes. You can modify modification, creation and last accessed date-time stamps of files and folders. AttributeMagic Standard can copy, shift and mask date-time stamps, extract date-time information from the file name. AttributeMagic can rename files and folders with date-time, add prefix, suffix and serial number to the file-folder name. AttributeMagic can set, reset and invert file attributes (read-only, hidden, archived, system). Custom filters can be applied to process certain items. Preview result mode is available ? you can check changes before applying them. You can also export list of files, calculate folder size and much more. AttributeMagic can operate in batch mode with command line options.

Keywords: rename, modify, change, file, folder, attribute, date, time, created, accessed, modified, stamp, timestamp, shift, copy, increment, decrement, mask, list, size, case, replace

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