Dress up your Firefox browser with 3 stunning NASA and space inspired scenes for your Firefox browser. Includes links to cool space sites and a sidebar with photos and videos! These themes are free and we switch your default search engine to ASK and Yahoo! but you can easily switch back to your favorite, if needed.

Here's the quick summary of a Brand Thunder Boom:

1. Booms are lightweight active customizations including theming, toolbars, sidebars and more
2. Users can dynamically switch between Booms without restarting their browser
3. Integration of multiple Brand Thunder Booms into a single Boom Pack for a single location for managing all Booms

We respect your privacy. We do track some data - but it's only numbers. We follow the total number of active themes, clicks on the extension buttons and themes using our search partners. That's it.

Nothing is personally identifiable and nothing is on an individual basis. The full legal description is at brandthunder.com/eula if you'd like extra assurance.

This theme has been tested with the Top 50 most popular and recent extensions. Please email us at info@brandthunder.com if you find any conflicts.

We hate to see you go but if you want to uninstall, there are two ways to accomplish this: 1) Go to Tools - > Addons, and remove the extension from the Extensions tab in Addons. 2) If you are currently running the Boom (Extension), simply go to the B/T button on the far right of the toolbar and select Uninstall. Thats it!

Brand Thunder works with leading brands to develop custom Firefox add-ons. We have worked with the leading social networks, sports teams, news publishers, entertainment and gossip sites, colleges, blogs, radio stations, music as well as our own themes for football, baseball, soccer and the holidays - lots of exciting partners are on the way, so stay tuned!

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Download NASA Space theme for Firefox 1.0

Keywords: NASA, space, shuttle, hubble, moon, astronomy, firefox, theme, skin, browser

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NASA Space theme for Firefox 1.0


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