Doddle is a free online SIP WebPhone through
which you can make phone calls from within a
It works with couple of VoIP providers or you can
even fill it with your own SIP settings details.
There is no desktop software to be downloaded at
all. It just uses Java plugin( JVM ) which by
default exists is most browsers. Asterisk (News -
Alert), BT Talk, FWD, Tpad, VoipGate, VoipUser,
Vonage are already preconfigured to choose from.
You can login to your favorite SIP provider and
make calls from the browser.
With Doddle you can pick a telephone wherever you
go, it is accomplishing a new VoIP trend by
enabling real time communication built into web
Doddle speaks SIP:
Doddle relies on, like most of VoIP Providers,
the widely used SIP protocol for setting up and
tearing down multimedia communication sessions
such as voice over the Internet so that the use
of doddle with VoIP providers is obviously
seamless (SIP compliant, it does not have to
stream through a media server)
Protocols: SIP, RTP
Click2Call, Conference

Keywords: voip, webphone, telephone, sip, click2call, click2talk, online, website, webpage, phone

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