How often you feel that your pictures be named differently from the mechanical names IMAGE_001.jpg, IMAGE_002.jpg...? How often you feel that the names of your personal/official files and folder be a little more descriptive, or there may be times when you just want to rename a bunch of files or folders for housekeping / other reasons.
Batch Rename Specialist, as the name suggests is here to help you rename a number of files and folders in a lot of different ways. There are many rename operations that can be performed on a file name: Replacing Strings, Suffixing, Prefixing, Inserting Strings, Changing File Length, Changing Case, Changing Extension, Cleaning Filenames of unwanted characters and composing a filename from scratch. The order of all these operations can be changed, giving you different results. A preview of new file names can be viewed in the Preview pane before actual re-naming. New file names can be pre-validated to remove any duplicates.
Batch Rename Specialist features a lot of file-specific and other values that you can use in the new file names. File size, File date/time (in various formats), ID3 data for mp3 files, Exif data for JPG files, etc. can be used. Numeric Counter, Alphabetic Counter, Random String etc. ae also available to be used in file names.
Batch Rename Specialist is a must have tool for every windows user and will make your file management tasks a lot easier.

Keywords: Batch File Rename, Batch Folder Rename, Rename multiple files, MP3 ID3 Tag, JPG Image Exif Data, file name edit, editor, filename, file, name

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