Fast&Simple-Backup - a fast and easy way to backup/restore your folders.
Fast&Simple-Backup is a small and simple utility that enables you to easily copy selected folders/extensions from one folder (and its sub-folders), to a one of the following:
- Copy to Folder that may resides in another computer.
- Send to an Email-Account.
- Upload to an FTP server.
Because of its sophisticated filtering algorithm, Fast&Simple-Backup is very fast and can Backup large folders in seconds.
Fast&Simple-Backup main features:
1. Filter that only selected sub-folders will be copied.
2. Filter that only selected extensions (file with a defined extension) will be copied.
3. Copy only files that were modified.
4. Open the Folders that you select side by side.
5. List the files that are different between the Source and Destination folders and select the files that you want to copy or restore.
6. Compare two text files and view the differences.
7. Schedule a time of the day that Windows will invoke Fast&Simple-Backup and silently (background) copy the folders that you selected.
8. Create Zip-Files of changes and send them to an Email-account or upload to an FTP server.
9. Automatically download the right files from the server (when user requests Restore) and extracts the files from them.
10. If Fast&Simple-Backup fails to upload zip-files to the server (because it is disconnected), it creates a list and enables you to upload them later.
11. View the Log file that had been created in the manual or scheduled backup.
12. Restore all (or selected) files from the destination folder to the source folder.

Keywords: Backup, Save, Store, Restore

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