wodVPN is VPN peer-to-peer ActiveX component that is used to establish Virtual Private Network between two wodVPN instances over internet. All communication between those peers is encrypted and secured. Peers are able to forward local and remote ports, send messages, etc.
UDP packets are used to transfer data between peers, in which case several techniques are available to make direct NAT 2 NAT connection between peers. And if direct connection is not possible (in really rare cases), wodVPN can use as relay between other instances as well.
AES128 encrypts all packets between two peers using password of your choice - unbreakable security is in place!
wodVPN can be used to connect through VPN do your SQL server (which is mapped through local port), share pictures, documents and files. You can also use it to provide "remote desktop" feature through the VPN. Virtually any service that uses TCP or UDP can be "mapped" to work over wodVPN.

Keywords: wodVPN, VPN, virtual private network, P2P, peer to peer, NAT2NAT, UDP, encrypted, encrypt, secure, security, ocx, dll, control, com, object, activex, port forwarding

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