MeteorShare is one of the most advanced file-sharing programs available at present, one that is most likely to turn you into a very loyal user. Whether it is movies, MP3s, applications, books or other you wish to download, this application does have what it takes to keep you happy.

The first great and feature you can notice on MeteorShare is a list of servers that you can connect to. As opposed to older sharing programs, this one does not have one central server that can easily be shut down instead, it employs a large amount of servers distributed worldwide, none of which being the master. This means a significant improvement of the network's strength which renders it and almost invulnerable to any attack. How does this work you wonder? Well, even if many servers are somehow brought down, the others will just take over the load. To be more precise, the moment you connect, you become a server as well, having thus the possibility to share files with anybody in the world.

As soon as you connect (click on the "connect" button at the top), you can start searching for you want by simply typing the name of the desired file and MeteorShare will present you with all the files that contain the searched words. Moreover, you can specify the type of the search audio, video, document or all or the P2P network and the maximum size. After you have found the files you wanted just double click on the file's name and start downloading it.
Once you have done that all you need to do is lay back and wait for the transfer to complete. The main window displays the files being downloaded and the bottom one shows the files being uploaded. You can right click on any downloaded file, and instantly be presented with some options such as pause, stop, cancel, get more details and more; just the same, right-clicking on any uploaded file will enable the option for more info on the uploader and the transfer, or to even send a message to that user.

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Keywords: meteorshare, file-sharing, file-sharing program, P2P, P2P client, music download, software, download, free software, peer to peer, free downloads

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Meteor Share 5.2.0


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Operating Systems:

Windows XP Windows Vista

Release Status:

update (2017-12-15)

Recent Changes:

Super speed performances, fast connection.

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Additional Requirements:

internet connection

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