FaxWatch is a FREE fax directory/folder monitor, able to watch fax directory/folder and invoke fax converter like batch Fax to PDF, Batch Fax2Tif, Batch Fax2JPEG, to convert fax to pdf tiff jpg jpeg automatically without running the fax converter manually every time you receive a fax.
For example, your fax files are received and saved to folder c:\myfax, you want them to be converted to pdf as soon as you received them without running Batch Fax to PDF manually. All you need to do is to run FaxWatch, set watch directory to c:\myfax. Whenever a fax file is received and saved to this folder, FaxWatch will invoke Batch Fax to PDF to convert this fax file to pdf automatically.
FaxWatch is small and easy to use. It's fully FREE!

Keywords: watch fax, monitor fax, watch folder, monitor folder, convert fax

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