Data Matrix barcode symbol is made up of square modules either black or white.
Usually Data Matrix symbols are black printed on white background, users can also print them as white upon black background.
DataMatrix barcode is a well-designed symbology that is able to encode both 128 ASCII characters (ANSI X3.4) and values 128 to 255 characters, known as extended ASCII (ISO 8859-1).
Data Matrix barcode is able to encode up to 1000 alpha-numeric characters. Therefore, Data Matrix is a good solution for encoding large quantities of data in one data matrix barcode symbol.
The unique finder pattern and module placement algorithm makes Data Matrix bar code symbol amazingly gorgeous.
Barcodesoft Data matrix printing solution used Reed Solomon algorithm to implement ECC 200 level of error checking and correcting.
In order to get smallest codewords stream, Data Matrix apply different encoding scheme to different data.
Barcodesoft Data Matrix Premium Package empowers you to print Data Matrix Barcode Symbols from your desktop printers. It is able to encode all ASCII and Extended ASCII characters.
There is a true type font, a crystal reports UFL DLL and a GUI encoder contained in the package.
There is also a simple Visual Basic sample in the package. You will find how easy it is to make further development.
Barcodesoft Data Matrix Premium Packages include a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the product for any reason, you will receive a full refund within 30 days.

Keywords: data matrix, mil-std-130n, deutsche-post-datamatrix-code, gs1-datamatrix, iso/iec 16022

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