Picture a scenario...
You've spent a substantial part of the day down-loading the latest, fastest, bestest shoot-em-up game demo. And of course, you're not stupid, so you did this at work using the fast company internet connection. But you wouldn't dare actually play the thing at work, far too risky, you don't want to get fired after all. But it's 56 MB, and the only way to get it home is to copy it onto 41 floppy disks.
Oh well. You spend eons zipping it onto a huge pile of floppies and eagerly take them home. You start unpacking them. It takes an age, but you're so looking forward to the game. All is going fine, but then disaster strikes - the fortieth floppy is duff. You can't read from it. You realise, with mounting dismay, that you'll have to create the whole zip set again. All 41 floppies of it. Unlikely? A tall story you think? Well it happened to me. Really, it did.
Enter Slice'n'Splice. It slices huge files into floppy (or any other) size chunks, and then splices them back together again. Each chunk can be copied to a floppy independently of the rest. Once you have all the chunks where you want them, simply run Slice'n'Splice again (or run the optionally generated MS-DOS .BAT file) to splice the chunks back into the original file. If a floppy fails and a chunk is corrupted, then first of all Slice'n'Splice will detect this and warn you about it, and secondly, you only need to recopy that one bad chunk. Not the whole set.
You can even create a shortcut to Slice'n'Splice in the SendTo directory. Then simply right-click on a file, select Send To from the pop-up menu, then select Slice'n'Splice. Easy.

Keywords: slice, splice, chop, split, splitter, chunk, partition, floppy, size, utility, tool

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