The BackupChanges software is automatic software for backup of changed or new files. The variety of settings allows specifying what files to backup, where put them and how to run backup quickly every time you need. The software is great choice for changed files management, in a case there is a need to backup files, upload changed documents to the web or send changed files to colleague.
With BackupChanges one can specify files that need to be copied into archive. Typically, it is enough to specify the source folder and nothing else. There are also many options to fine-tune the backup, for instance, user can specify the include and exclude file mask. Resulted files will be packed into archive, so there is also an option to specify how to keep files in archive, e.g. using relative path or absolute path.
As the program focuses on changed and new files niche, there is a possibility to specify the time period for which changed files should be copied to archive. The easiest way is to use some predefined intervals, for instance for last 3 days. If necessary, the precise date and time interval can be specified. The predefined choices include minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

Keywords: backup changes, backup new, backup new files, backup new documents, backup changed files, backup changed documents
