ConnectCode Barcode Software Imager supports the generation of professional high resolution barcode images that are highly scannable. It allows you to create different types of barcodes by entering your data and selecting the desired barcode.
ConnectCode Barcode Software Imager utilizes our proven barcode engine. We have developed and marketed barcode software solutions for many years. Our barcode software is trusted and highly regarded by many fortune 500 companies. We have also helped many fortune 500 companies clear their institution audits and independent barcode verifications. These are vigorous tests and require both expertise and experience. As a result, out products are of high quality and stability. Most of our customers are very happy and satisfied with our products. With the trust built, these customers stay with us for many years.
The latest version adds support for Windows 8.

Keywords: barcode image, barcode software, barcode generator, create barcode
