Program Audio Cap - represents multi-purpose VOX-system for recording a sound on a personal computer through a standard sound card. Software does not demand purchase and installation of any additional devices and modules and allows to write down a signal from any external source, which can be connected to a recording input (a microphone, a line input, etc.). Due to use of modern algorithms of MP3-compression received files have the smallest size at high quality of a sound.
Program Audio Cap allows:
To carry out recording as a stereo of a signal, and separate recording of the left and right channels.
To make smooth adjustment of a level of recording and a cut level of parasitic noise and handicapes.
To display in real time a level of each channel.
Automatically to keep date and time of the beginning and the ending of recording for each file.
To carry out automatic and semi-automatic sorting the written down files by date of creation.
To make recording a sound in manual and automatic modes.
Automatically to be started and carry out recording at inclusion of a computer.
To switch off the PC after the set interval of time.
To work in a background mode.
To supervise a free space on a disk.
To choose a source of recording it is direct in the program.
To adjust time of a suspension of recording at absence of a useful signal on an input.
To carry out cyclic recording on set time and recording on contents.
To write down an entrance signal with frequency 44, 22 and 11 kHz.
To code files in MP3 a format with bitrate 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160 and 192 kbps.
To write down files in modes Stereo, Joint Stereo and Mono
To use for packing the constant, average and variable stream.
Depending of power of the PC to choose a standard or fast mode of coding MP3.
To use the predetermined adjustments of recording.
To move, copy and delete the written down files directly inside the program etc...

Keywords: VOX, audio capture, audio record, multimedia software

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