With Direct MP3 Recorder you can record high quality audio in 6 formats (MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, MP4, Wave) from internal or external sources through sound card on your computer.
You can record audio when you play games, watch online video, movies, or listen to music even if it is protected. Streaming services such as Spotify and Deezer can also be recorded. You can digitize analog LP records and tapes, record voice from microphone, or other source such as MIDI, VCR, Internet audio streaming, Skype calls or other VoIP calls, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash, iTunes and other software.
You can minimize software to system tray and do speedy recording through system wide hot keys while using other application or game.
You can have automated recording start synchronized with music start through signal detection feature, split recording into several audio files while recording list of protected files, music from vinyl LP records or tapes, remove unnecesarry silence from recording (dictations), or do scheduled recordings through timers when you are out of home.
You can optionally split recording to chosen amount of time. Together with automatically generated, time stamped recording file names, you can use program as stenographic tool on meetings and courts, or as time structured audio surveillance software.
You can use inbuilt audio editor to copy, paste, delete audio parts, apply fade in and fade out, crop audio, insert silence, adjust volume, even mix background audio at desired volume levels. Editor also can be used as convenient way to convert audio between 6 most common audio formats.

Keywords: recorder, audio, unprotect, streaming, protected, iTunes, iPod, MP3, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, Wave, Spotify, Deezer

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