Active Wall Traffic Monitor is a free real time network traffic monitor software for LAN. It has great performance, can monitor 1,000 computers at the same time. It is stable and secure for 24X7 running. Active Wall Traffic Monitor runs on one computer and provides traffic monitoring and filtering for whole LAN. It does not require any client installation. Active Wall Traffic Monitor supports gateway,bridge,bypass,redirect and single mode, it is suitable for any network topology. Active Wall Traffic Monitor displays IP address, MAC address, computer name, send/receive speed, send/receive packets, send/receive bytes of each computer in real time. It provides net flow, protocol statistics, connection track for entire network. It can export daily traffic statistics and protocol statistics automatically. All these features are free. Active Wall Traffic Monitor includes Show Flux,Protocol Statistics,Show Session plugins.

Keywords: network, traffic, monitor, lan, tcp, udp, icmp, igmp, bandwidth, packet, intranet, adapter, mac, analyzer, statistics, inbound, outbound

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