Show disk usage, Directory printer, Find and remove duplicate files, Rename files and maintain files, all in 1 tool
Simple to use since it looks just like the MS Explorer
The 32bit program can scan over 9 million files.
The 64bit program can scan unlimited number of files.
Powerful filtering ensures you only get the files you want
All screens can be printed to a Printer, Text file, Clipboard, HTML file, XML file, Excel file or Excel program
Disk Usage
Directory Report is easy to use since it looks just like the Microsoft Explorer
But it always shows the folder size and the folder size with subdirectories
This allows you to quickly drill down to directories that are taking your disk space
Directory Printer
Print the contents of an entire disk or a single directory
Print DLL, EXE version info
Print AVI, MP3, MSI, WAV and MS-Office info
Full Unicode support
Find duplicate files and duplicate directories
Duplicate files can be found based on same name, size, CRC checksum or comparing byte by byte
The duplicate files search is multi-threaded - making it very fast
The duplicate files output is colored by groups to make processing easy
Rename files
Rename multiple files all at once instead of 1 at a time
Rename files based on MP3 tags
File maintenance
Multiple file change date
Multiple file change owner
Link files
Shows file owner, and it reports total file size by the file owner
Reports total files size by file type (Extension)

Keywords: disk usage, disk space, directory printer, folder printer, print directory, print folder, folder size, treesize, crc, crc32, cyclic redundancy checksum, duplicate files, duplicate directories, rename files, file compare, directory compare, file owner, directory size

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