SoftFuse Whois is an advanced whois tool for domainers. It does a quick lookup search for a specific domain name and brings all the available information (administrative, technical, billing contacts, domain IPs, DNS servers, ect.) to your eyes in seconds!
You may see is the domain available or not, if not what's its creation/expiry dates or its Google pagerank and Alexa traffic rank ratings. Once the domain information is obtained, you can export it to a text file or clipboard. You may find more information, downloads and screenshots at:
SoftFuse Whois supports ALL new, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) top-level domains and constantly continues to increase the list of supported domains. If you wish to include a new domain's extension in its search, just contact us at and we will it immediately (if it's technically possible).
The software uses only official whois-servers to check domain names. Unlike other whois tools, it can find information about a computer located in any part of the world, intelligently searching for the right database and then making a query within it.
The interface of the program is Spartan with just the right options. Unlike online whois services, it is not packed full of bloat and junk that makes it a pain to do a lookup search. Checking the domain is a breeze to do. Run SoftFuse Whois, type the domain name you want to look up and hit the Enter key. The program begins searching the whois servers for the requested domain automatically and in a few seconds displays the detailed domain information. You can also see the domain's flag, creation or expiry dates, Google's pagerank and Alexa's traffic rank ratings.
Another benefit is a privacy. Some online whois tools may collect your requests and steal nice domain names. If the domain is available, you can immediately register it. With SoftFuse Whois, checking domains is simple, convenient and safe.

Keywords: whois, domain, lookup, network, tld, cctld, dns, domainer, pagerank, seo, google, alexa, rank, expire, date, history

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