Ever wish to talk to your MSN buddies in their native languages?
Want to automatically translate your buddy's IM text into your native language?
Try our FREE Windows Live Messenger Translator! Just type in your message text as normal, and let Windows Live Messenger Translator do the translation. The translated text is automatically sent to you and your buddy!
Windows Live Messenger Translator is provided here for FREE as an open source project. You are welcome to download it, use it, or improve it as you wish.
* Translate between English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.
* Instant translations as you type in your instance messages.
* Translate both incoming and outgoing IM text.
* Translation is done via Google Translation service.
System Requirement
* Windows XP (SP2), or Windows Vista.
* Windows Live Messenger installed.

Keywords: MSN, Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live, Messenger, Instant Message, Translator, Translation

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