Recovery for Lotus Notes is data recovery program for Lotus Notes databases (.nsf). Recovery for Lotus Notes recovers damaged Notes/Domino databases on both server and client side, therefore it is a must have utility for users and administrators of Lotus Notes databases. While recovering it stores data in dxl files for easy and convenient recreation of the faulty database. A special batch script is enclosed for automation of the process. Recovery for Lotus Notes is able to recover such information as users' documents and metadata, including Form, Subform, Frameset, Page, View, Folder, Agent, Outline, Shared Field, Shared Action, Database Script, Image, Script Library. Current version of the product supports Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5, 8.0, 7.0 and 6.5. Easy to use, no special user skills required.

Keywords: recovery lotusnotes, lotus notes recovery, recovery lotus domino, lotus domino recovery, nsf recovery, recovery nsf, lotus recovery, fix lotus notes, repair lotus notes, lotus notes repair, nsf fix, fix nsf, corrupted lotus notes
