Coach Organizer Deluxe is a flexible coach management software for Windows users. For small clubs, college, high school or university teams, independent coaches, self organized groups, .... , community teams, company teams, ... For coaches or team leaders who want to keep track of their players and work. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use coach management solutions make it easy to set up and use. Team Members : database template that allows you to maintain and organize member information: membership information, member address and contact data, family data, health and emergency data, membership fee, and renew dates, group members by area of interest, skills, category, enter member picture and notes... Event Manager : database template that gives you an easy way to manage, and track information about events (matches, practices, camps, socials, parties, meetings, ... ). Exercise Manager : database template that gives you an easy way to catalog, manage, plan, and track the list of your favorite drills, techniques, and exercises. Practice Manager : Build and plan your own practice or lesson. Team Evaluation : database template that gives you an easy way to evaluate your team members.

Keywords: coach manager, coach management software, coach software, coach management software, software, coach manager, windows, database, coach manager software

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