Message Organizer Deluxe is a simple yet complete phone call, phone message, and in-persons visit management software for Windows users. Our software helps to record, track, and manage all messages for your office. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use telephone message management solution make it easy to set up and use. Message Organizer Simple: complete database software solution that allows you to maintain data about all your messages in a simple form (track visitor or caller name, phone number, company, message to, phone call or visit date and time, message body). Message Organizer Detailed: complete database template that allows you to maintain data about all your messages in as much detail as you want (track visitor or caller name, company name, phone numbers, other contact details, message attributes, recorded by, message, notes, and more). For the power user, Organizer affords the simplicity of wizards that make it easy to set up and use message software solutions o
r other small business software solutions that you create. There are more than 100 other personal or business database solutions that can be used with this software.

Keywords: message, when you were out, visitor, office software, messages, message manager, phone message

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