Take control of your personal finances and save time with Boachsoft Finance an excellent personal finance software. Manage your personal finances without having to deal with annoying accounting jargon in an excellent environment. Illuminate your finances with insightful reports which can be just plain text or graphs. See where you money is going and where it is coming from. Plan your financial future with the forecast feature and analyze what if scenarios. You can generate a forecast graph from scheduled transactions, trends in your register, budget data or even special events you setup. Track your portfolio and investments with ease and stay on top of the latest quotes by downloading your quotes right from this software. You can also manually update your quotes. With Boachsoft Finance saving has never been easier and more efficient. Plan your saving with the saving planner. Setup saving goals and have finance automatically make deductions for the saving goals. Plan your financial future right from this personal finance software with budgets and track your budgets with several report options. Setup saving limits and have boachsoft finance notify you when saving limits are exceeded. Schedule your transactions and have boachsoft finance automatically enter it into your register. Password protect your files. This personal accounting software also comes with a Mortgage planner, annuity calculator and a loan calculator. All currencies are supported. Update your exchange rates by downloading the latest rates from the net. With Boachsoft Finance reconciling an account has never been easier. Reconcile your account in just a few steps. With this personal finance software you get all this and much more...

Keywords: Personal finance software, personal accounting software, accounting, finance, boachsoft

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