Serv-U FTP server provides secure file transfer and secure file sharing for an affordable price.
Supported Protocols:
Secure file sharing ("ad hoc file transfer" or "send files")
Web browser transfers via HTTP/S (including multiple, large files w/ drag and drop).
Mobile device transfers via HTTP/S (iPad, iPhone, Kindle Fire, BlackBerry, Android, etc.).
IPv4 and IPv6.
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows: Server 2012, Server 2008, Server 2003, Windows 7, Vista, XP - both 32- and 64-bit editions.
Linux: Red Hat (RHEL), Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, SUSE and more - both 32- and 64-bit editions.
Major Features:
Secure File Sharing
Event-driven automation (send email, run program, move file, etc.).
Brandable interface (your logo, your theme, etc.).
Web-based remote administration.
Virtual folders permit use with local storage and remote shares - simultaneously.
Multiple authentication sources (Active Directory, database, custom).
Granular control over bandwidth, storage, permissions and access.
Automatic account maintenance (reset password, disable after X days, etc.).
Multi-factor authentication.
Advanced web clients support drag-and-drop, thumbnails, synchronization, two-panel transfers and more.
Used by 9 of the Fortune 10 to secure file transfers with employees and business partners.
Used by more than 100,000 businesses worldwide.
The top-selling commercial FTP server in most countries.
Purchase includes free email support and available live phone support to our U.S.-based office.
Unattended ("silent") installation options available for IT professionals.
FIPS 140-2 and U.S. Army Certificate of Networthiness validated.
Each server supports 100's of GBs per day and 1000's of users.
See also:
FTP Voyager - SolarWinds Free FTP client

Keywords: ftp server, ftp, sftp, ftps, secure ftp, secure file transfer, file server, file sharing, share files, send files, web transfer, iPad, file transfer, mft, managed file transfer, upload, download, ftp automation, internet utilities, network utilities
