Morpheus Games Downloader is a solid tool that can really make a difference in the way you download your games (but also any other type of media files: movies, music, applications), offering the connecting potential and file database of no less than four different networks (Gnutella2, Gnutella, eDonkey, and BitTorrent).
While the program is highly intuitive and easily operable it also includes special features for advanced users. The searching option comes with additional metadata alternative to help you filter results.
Morpheus Games Downloader's interface is boldly logic and pleasant. Despite its extended functionality, the program manages to keep things neat and practical. One of its strong points in this respect is a very useful file-management system structured in folders and subfolders to help you keep things nice and tidy.
MGD also provides the chance to preview files while downloading thanks to the built-in media player it includes. The program's download queue is managed automatically but it can also be operated manually if the user chooses to (and change the status of files as well).
Features available in Morpheus Games Downloader:
Multinetwork Support (downloads from 4 p2p networks at the same time).
User-friendly interface.
Complex file-management system.
Advanced file-hashing.
Fast search results.
Multiple results tabs.
Detects and fixes corrupted files before the download completes.
Displays each search in a new window (avoids the risk of having them overwritten).
Built-in media player.

Keywords: mp3, p2p, file sharing, movies, video, games, music, sharing, file, morpheus
