MorseTest is a program to help radio hams improve their Morse receiving skills. Modelled on a contest, the aim is to correctly copy as many calls and serial numbers as you can. It's one of the best ways to improve your code receiving speed.
You can set the speed from between 12 and 60wpm, with optional extra gaps between words to aid comprehension. You'll hear a station calling CQ TEST. To "call" the station, type its callsign into the Reply box. If the call is correct, the Reply box will clear and you'll hear the station call you and send your exchange. The exchange consists of a 599 signal report followed by a 3-digit serial number. Type the serial number into the Reply box correctly to complete the contact.
You can ask for as many repeats as you want, by pressing the spacebar. After you have completed the contact, another station will call you. The full contest lasts for 60 minutes. It's fun, and a sure way to improve your code speed.

Keywords: morsetest, Morse, ham radio, Morse training software, Morse practise software

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