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Service Protector 6.5 by: Core Technologies Consulting, LLC
Service Protector monitors your mission-critical Windows Services and keeps them running 24/7. Service Protector will automatically restart your service if it crashes, hangs, hogs the CPU, uses too much memory, or fails in any way.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $69.99 US
Downloads: 644
Size: 3923 K
Date: 2019-10-18
AlwaysUp 11.8 by: Core Technologies Consulting, LLC
AlwaysUp runs your application 24/7 as a Windows Service, monitoring it constantly to ensure 100% uptime. It will automatically restart your application if it crashes, hangs, or uses too much memory, and will send email to inform you of the event.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $49.99 US
Downloads: 892
Size: 4972 K
Date: 2019-05-03
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 12.22 by: Innovative Solutions
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the most complete uninstaller program ever created. You can uninstall programs completely and quickly using its simple and easy interface. You can also remove items that other uninstallers can't even touch.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 1335
Size: 10962 K
Date: 2018-08-21
Nero TuneItUp Free by: Nero AG
Nero TuneItUp is an optimization, tuning and maintenance tool for Windows PCs which helps you analyze and fix common problems, and optimize system settings.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 376
Size: 15835 K
Date: 2018-07-19
Windows Service Commander by: Null Logics Software
Windows Service Commander is a tool for quick control of Windows Services. Windows Service Commander allows fast access to all Windows Services.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 594
Size: 397 K
Date: 2014-08-18
ServiceCommander 4.0 by: Core Technologies Consulting, LLC
ServiceCommander is a free utility that helps you to take control of your important Windows Services. Easily start, stop, or restart selected services on any computer on your network, all conveniently from the Windows Taskbar.
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 262
Size: 1036 K
Date: 2011-12-23
SAEAUT SMS Service 2.3.1 by: SAE - Automation, s.r.o.
Sending and receiving of SMS from/to any software application or over LAN and internet. It is usable: with your application communicating with SMS service using shared database file or as stand alone solution using delivered client application.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $405.00 US
Downloads: 989
Size: 5055 K
Date: 2011-06-01
Application as Service 4.0.160 by: Program Service Software
Application as Service helps launch any program as service on a Windows computer, as if it was native Windows service.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $79.95 US
Downloads: 755
Size: 7033 K
Date: 2011-04-29
SAEAUT SMS Server Professional 2.2.0 by: SAE - Automation, s.r.o.
The software package enabling complex using of SMS communication in a company - sending and receiving individual and group SMS in local network or from web, usable with special client applications, e.g. for monitoring, alarming, SMS marketing.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $514.00 US
Downloads: 1000
Size: 11114 K
Date: 2010-08-20
SAEAUT SMS Service Client 2.2.0 by: SAE - Automation, s.r.o.
It enables sending/receiving individual or group SMS in LAN using software SAEAUT SMS Service. It can be placed on the same or different computer in LAN. It uses shared SMS database. Authenticated user has access only to own received/sent SMS.
[read more] [download] License: Shareware, Price: $30.00 US
Downloads: 267
Size: 3804 K
Date: 2010-08-20
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