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OpenTimeClock 2.0 by: Busycode Inc
| - Web based time clock service, time attendance software, Free Time Clock - Free Time Card - Free Timesheet - employee attendance software, employee time clock, employee time tracking, employee time card, employee timesheet, emplo
[read more] [download] License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
Downloads: 239
Size: 61833 K
Date: 2019-05-20
Mesh To Solid 1.0 by: SYCODE
Mesh To Solid is a software to convert a mesh into a solid. Mesh To Solid is designed to be extremely user friendly and easy to understand. Its as easy as opening a mesh file using the Open command and saving it as a solid using the Save As command.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 336
Size: 5044 K
Date: 2009-01-02
3DM Export for Solid Edge 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DM Export for Solid Edge is a Rhinoceros (.3dm) file export add-in for Solid Edge®. This add-in gives Solid Edge the ability to export 3D solid and surface data from a Solid Edge part or assembly document to 3d polygon meshes in a 3DM file.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1277
Size: 1252 K
Date: 2006-11-23
3DM Import for Solid Edge 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DM Import for Solid Edge is a Rhinoceros (.3dm) file import add-in for Solid Edge®. This plug-in gives Solid Edge the ability to import geometric data from 3DM files.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1270
Size: 1413 K
Date: 2006-11-23
3DM Import for SolidWorks 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DM Import for SolidWorks is a Rhinoceros (.3dm) file import add-in for SolidWorks®. This add-in gives SolidWorks the ability to import geometric data from 3DM files.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1269
Size: 3515 K
Date: 2006-11-23
3DS Export for Solid Edge 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DS Export for Solid Edge is a 3D Studio (.3ds) file export add-in for Solid Edge®. This add-in gives Solid Edge the ability to export 3D solid and surface data from a Solid Edge part or assembly document to 3d polygon meshes in a 3DS file.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1263
Size: 1346 K
Date: 2006-11-23
3DS Import for Solid Edge 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DS Import for Solid Edge is a 3D Studio (.3ds) file import add-in for Solid Edge®. This plug-in gives Solid Edge the ability to import geometric data from 3DS files.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1277
Size: 1185 K
Date: 2006-11-23
3DS Import for SolidWorks 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DS Import for SolidWorks is a 3D Studio® (.3ds) file import add-in for SolidWorks®. This add-in gives SolidWorks the ability to import geometric data from 3DS files.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1177
Size: 3278 K
Date: 2006-11-23
PLT Export for SolidWorks 1.0 by: SYCODE
PLT Export for SolidWorks is a HPGL Plot PLT file export add-in for SolidWorks®. This add-in gives SolidWorks the ability to export geometric data from a SolidWorks drawing document to a HPGL PLT file.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 569
Size: 3178 K
Date: 2006-11-23
3DM Import for AutoCAD 1.0 by: SYCODE
3DM Import for AutoCAD is a Rhinoceros® 3DM file import plug-in for AutoCAD®. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from 3DM files.
[read more] [download] License: Commercial, Price: $195.00 US
Downloads: 1190
Size: 6058 K
Date: 2006-05-16
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