The HTML-to-RTF Pro DLL component converts HTML and ASP files into good-looking RTF with tables or transform tables to text. The HTML to RTF .Net created with only managed C#. Output rtf file is smaller than input HTML.
The DLL doesn't require Microsoft Word or any other word-processors.
We have 3 version of our DLL: COM, .Net and Win32 so developers can use in Visual Basic, ASP. Net, C++, C#, VB.Net, PHP, C++, Delphi, ColdFusion, ASP, Java or any other programming language.
Component takes HTML string and returns RTF string. Also DLL works with files, it takes HTML file and creates RTF file.
HTML-to-RTF Pro DLL supports:
- have 4 methods:
- ConvertFile() - working with files
- Convert() - takes HTML string and returns RTF string
- ConvertFileToString()
- ConvertStringToFile()
- images (.gif, .jpg, .bmp and .png)
- tables;
- CSS;
- nested tables;
- hyperlinks;
- font face, color, size;
- page alignment;
- bold, italic and underline text;
- special characters;
- automatic encoding select;
- select page size (A4, B5,...);
- select page orientation (Landscape or Portrait);
- select page margins;
- It supports all HTML tags and special characters, such as " " "&" "<," etc.

Keywords: HTML to RTF, HTML, RTF, VB.Net, HTML to RTF Vb.Net, HTML to RTF C#, DLL, COM, component, Delphi, ASP.Net

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