DVD PixPlay allows you to create VCD slide shows from images, videos and music and write them directly to a CD. VCD's can then be played on your television using a DVD Player. VCD's make it easy to share your images with your friends and family, particularly those who do not have a computer. And they are as easy to use as a normal DVD! Features include: DVD PixPlay allows you to create VCD slide shows from images, videos and music and write them directly to a CD. VCD's can then be played on your television using a DVD Player. VCD's make it easy to share your images with your friends and family, particularly those who do not have a computer. And they are as easy to use as a normal DVD!

Keywords: DVD, DVD Player, VCD Player, VCD, Slideshow, slideshow cd, slide show cd, slide show, image cd, image dvd, dvd software, vcd software, cd software, image slideshow, image slide show, slideshow creator, create cd, create dvd, create slideshow, DVD slideshow
