Image Editor is a freeware image viewer, editor and converter, that offers great functions for viewing, editing, printing, saving, converting.
Image Components can edit images: saving most common images file types (*.tif, *.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.png) and convert between them. Thumbnail view of the image multi or single page. Navigation between the pages, by thumbnail click or by toolbar. Image fit to the screen (original, best and width). Rotate left, right, flip and mirror. Zoom + and Zoom -. Inserting, appending, deleting or moving pages. Cropping by selection or auto cropping. Many filters like invert, grayscale, etc. Image enhance (color, brightness, smooth, sharpen, etc.). Many edge detectors. Glass tool to zoom a particular part of the image. Twain support using ADF or flat bed, multi page or single page. Save and Scanner options by image type or compression (None, JPG, CCITT3, CCITT4, LZW) . PDF export, multi, single or selected page.

Keywords: Image, TIFF, TIF, JPG, BMP, PDF, Thumbnails, Scanner, Scanning, Twain, OCR, Annotations
