Utility to recover lost passwords to password-protected PDF files (*.pdf). PDF Password decrypts user and permission passwords only. PDF Password does not allow to crack DRM (Digital Right Management) system. If user password is either not set or known, it is possible to reset a permission password. Unfortunately, if a user password is unknown, there is no easy way to decrypt the password to a PDF file. Universal recovery methods, such as Brute Force Attack and Dictionary Search, must be used. Due to a nature of an encryption method used in PDF files, the password search is very slow. The password recovery methods used by PDF Password: Brute Force Attack, Dictionary Attack, Smart Force Attack, Password Variation, Reset password (only if user password is either not set or known).

Keywords: Adobe Acrobat, PDF files, password, pdf password, pdf password recovery, crack pdf password, pdf password cracker, pdf, recover password, lost password, forgot password, crack, break, hack, password, crack password

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