Blaze ImgConvert is an advanced batch image/graphics conversion application that supports over 140 formats and an entire arsenal of options and features. Images can be resized or rotated automatically in the same process when converting. Comprehensive compression, sub-formats, various colorspaces, color depths, and much more are all options available. For files that already exist, options are provided to prompt for each existing file, automatically replace, skip the file, and rename (this option also supports naming templates as mentioned below). The software can also be configured to use the source file's folder for output, or use any pre-selected folder. Furthermore, Blaze ImgConvert fully supports conversion for multi-page files. Previews are quickly available for any page of a multi-page file, as well as single page files. Sophisticated naming templates can be configured to format output filenames in any number of possible ways, with elements from the source filename, numbers, alpha characters, date, time, etc. Additional features include report logging, complete information on each source file, and much more!

Supported formats include AFP, ANI, AVI, AWD, BMP, DIB, CGM, CLP, CMP, CMW, CMX, CUR, CUT, CT, DCX, DGN, DICOM (DIC, DCM), DRW, DXF, DWF, DWG, EMF, EPS, EXIF (EXF, EXIF), FAX, Flic (FLC, FLI), FPX, GBR, GEM, GIF, HPGL, HPGL2, ICO, IFF, LBM, IOCA (ICA), IMG, ITG, JBIG, JPEG / JFIF (JPG, JPE, JPEG, JIF, JFIF, JTIF, etc.), JPEG 2000 (JP2, J2K), MAC, MODCA, MSP, PBM, PCD, PCL, PCT, PCX, PDF, PDL, PGM, PLT, PNG, PPM, PRN, PRT, PS, PSD, PTOCA, PTK, RAS, RLE, SCT, SGI, SHP, SMP, SUN, SVG, TGA, TIFF (TIFF, TIF) with LZW Compression, TIFF (TIFF, TIF) without LZW Compression, XBM, XPM, XWD, WBMP, WFX, WMF, WPG, and other various formats and variations.

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Download Blaze ImgConvert 2.05

Keywords: convert, conversion, resize, rotate, image, graphics, colorspace, color depth, multi-page, rename, AFP, ANI, AWD, BMP, DIB, CGM, CMP, CMX, CUR, DCX, DGN, DICOM, DIC, DCM, DRW, DXF, DWF, DWG, EMF, EPS, EXF, EXIF, FAX, FLC, FLI, FPX, GBR, GEM, GIF, HPGL, JPG, TIF, PDF, PCX, PNG, PSD, PSP, MODCA, SGI

Blaze ImgConvert 2.05 screenshot

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Blaze ImgConvert 2.05


Mystik Media     Other programs by Mystik Media






$29.95 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server

Release Status:

new (2007-01-10)

Recent Changes:

Not Established

Supported Languages:


Additional Requirements:

Pentium-class PC, 64 MB RAM, 25 MB HD

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