Let your software and Web sites look great! Enhance your new product or Web site with readily-available, professionally-designed Perfect Toolbar Icons. Design a perfectly usable, slick and attractive user interface with great looking icons. Your software products and Web sites will look modern and attractive with Perfect Toolbar Icons.
Designing a usable application or attractive Web site is not an easy task. Drawing or ordering a matching set of toolbar icons is neither easy nor cheap. Save time on making specifications and drawing icons! Save money by ordering icons that are readily available! Get a set of matching toolbar icons, and empower your new product with modern, sleek design!
Perfect Toolbar Icons represent actions, objects and concepts that are common for toolbar and navigational pictograms. New, Save and Save As, Battery and Power, Problems and Warnings, Internet and Home Page are just a few to name among hundreds of carefully crafted images you`re getting in a discounted package or a la carte. Your customers will immediately recognize the concepts depicted by Perfect Toolbar Icons. All of your icons will look in line, adding to appeal of your software product. Finally, good-looking icons make your screen shots appear just great!
Technically, you are getting every icon in all of the following file formats: Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG. Colors include the 32-bit True Color (16.7 million colors with transparency) and 8-bit formats. You will get icons in all common sizes including 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels. Each icon is drawn in its normal, disabled (grayed-out) and highlighted versions.
Perfect Icons also plans to release iPhone Icon Extractor and a number of new original icon sets including Actions Icons for Windows 8, Arts iPad Icons, Friends Vector iOS Icons, Glossy Taskbar Icons, Stock Docck Icons and Electricity and Energy Android Icons.
More info about stock icons: http://www.menu-icons.com/

Keywords: cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, print, zoom, dektop, network, help, boss, user, icons

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