Tired of living payday to payday? Can't get out of debt? Finances in a mess? Try a better way to manage your checkbook. Budget is based on the tried and true "Envelope" method of budgeting - a much easier way to see where your money is, where it's needed, and where it went. Budget is a personal finance application based on the proactive envelope model rather than the reactive register model used by other home financial programs. It helps you setup and live by your budget the way most people learned to budget. You define income sources and allocate portions to your envelopes. You write checks from each envelope when the bill is due. The main window shows at a glance if you are keeping to your budget. Budget doesn't force you to follow a budget, but it does show you exactly where you're spending your money.

Keywords: Budget Software, Windows, Windows XP, .NET, Home Finance, Personal Finance, budget, software, budget planning

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