MP3 Splitter & Joiner Pro is an useful audio editor which builds MP3 Splitter Pro and MP3 Joiner Pro in one. you can split large MP3 WMA MPA WAV OGG APE FLAC files into multiple smaller pieces or merge multiple MP3 MPA WMA WAV OGG APE FLAC AIFF files to a larger one. It is easy to use with automatic split/merge mode and split by silence (automatic silence detection). With 'Batch Split' feature, you can split multiple audio files easily by just a simple click. With 'Partial Merge', you can merge any portions of audio files directly by just a simple click without export the portion in advance. It's able to merge and split audio files of extreme large size over 4GB.
* Easy to use and fast to split MP3 WMA WAV OGG APE FLAC MPA files
* Easy to use and fast to merge MP3 WMA WAV OGG APE FLAC MPA AIFF files
* Split multiple audio files by just a click (batch split).
* Auto. detect the best split mode and merge mode.
* Merge any portions of audio files directly (Partial Merge).
* Auto. detect the silence to split (Automatic Silence Detection)
* Merge and split audio files of extreme large size over 4GB.
* Preview split tracks with build-in audio player before split.
* Split audio files to equal segments either by time or by number of segments.
* Visually and quickly get to the time you want to split at by slider bar.
* VBR (Variable Bitrate)/VBRI MP3 files support.
* Split audio file by CUE file directly.
* Import/export/save track information from/to CUE files.
* Edit and view MP3 ID3 TAG when splitting or merging.
If you're looking for an application to help you for MP3 WMA WAV OGG APE FLAC MPA AIFF Splitting or Merging, you won't be disappointed by MP3 Splitter & Joiner Pro.

Keywords: MP3 splitter, MP3 joiner, WMA splitter, WMA joiner, WAV APE OGG FLAC splitter, WAV APE OGG FLAC joiner, merge MP3, split WAV APE OGG FLAC WMA, join WAV APE FLAC OGG WMA, cut MP3, MP3 split, MP3 join, audio track maker, MP3 editor, audio editor, audio book maker

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